JANUARYWednesday, January 8th
Meeting/Training EOP Review, SOP/Bylaws Review and Pre-Plans Review. Meets JFPA 1001 Standards, 5.3.1. and 5.3.5. Dinner Host: Wednesday, January 15th Fire Investigations FI-110, meets NFPA 1001 Standards 6.3.4 and 5.3.14 January 29th - 31st Sierra Blanca Wildland Fire Academy-Ruidoso Application deadline for nominations January 4th. All courses NWCG certified FEBRUARYWednesday, February 5th
Meeting/Training Winter Rescue procedures, equipment orientation, and safety concerns. Meets NFPA 1001 Standards 5.3.9 and 6.4.2. Dinner host Wednesday, February 19th Training @ Lodge Aerial Action Video Series continued with orientation of various ladders and their use. Training will continue with implementation of exercises at the Lodge. Meets NFPA 1001 Standards 5.3.6 and 5.5.3. MARCHWednesday, March 12th
Meeting/Training Pre-Plans Review. Forcible Entry Training Door evolutions. SCBA inspections and maintenance procedures. Learning objectives meet NFPA 1001 Standard 5.3.4. Dinner host March 28th - April 1st Sacramento Mountain Wildland Training Academy NWCG Wildland courses for both entry and advanced levels. Pack Testing will be conducted at the end of the day. Annual Structural Firefighter Fitness testing meeting NFPA 1001 Standard APRILWednesday, April 13th
Meeting/Training ERG Refresher, review along with High Hazard occupancies within Village. Meets NFPA 1001 Standard 5.1.1for Hazardous Materials recognition and identification. Dinner host Erich W. Wednesday, April 27th Training @Training Grounds Burn Building drill, Discussion of NFPA 1410 on live-fire burns and responsibilities. Safety considerations, Fire Behavior, ventilation, and suppression techniques. Fire Suppression objectives meets NFPA Standards6.3.2 and 5.3.10 and MAYWednesday, May 9th
Meeting/Training Search and Rescue Safety procedures. Learning objectives meet NFPA 1001 Standards 5.3.9 and 6.4.1 and 6.4.2. Dinner host Wednesday, May 23th Training @ Training Grounds Confined Space evolutions with SCBA and RIT Team assignment considerations. Learning objectives meet NFPA 1001 Rescue Standards 5.3.9, 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 and SCBA Standards 5.3.1 Saturday, May 26th and Sunday, May 27th Fire Department Open House for Mayfair- Public Relations/Fire Prevention Awareness. JUNEWednesday, June 13th
Meeting/Training Portable Extinguishers according to NFPA 1001 Standard 5.3.16 (ISO Requirement). Pre-Plans Review. Fire Suppression Learning objectives meets NFPA Standards 6.3.2 and 5.3.10 and Annual Firefighter's Appreciation Awards and Picnic Wednesday, June 27th Training Apparatus Driver Refresher - CEVO/EVOC standards for apparatus drivers and refresher. (ISO and Village Requirement) |
JULYWednesday, July 11th
Meeting/Training Propane Emergencies according to NFPA 471, 472 1nd 473 as presented by the National Propane Gas Association and the Propane Education & Research Council. Dinner host Wednesday, July 25th Training @Training Grounds Extrication Techniques of injured passengers from a rollover accident, to include Low-Angle rope rescue techniques, according to NFPA 1983 and Ropes and Knots NFPA Standard AUGUSTWednesday, August 8th
Meeting/Training FF Safety, Hoses and Appliances recognition, meets learning objectives of NFPA 1001 Standards 5.5.4, 6.5.3, 5.3.15, and 5.3.10. Dinner host Wednesday, August 22nd Training @Training Grounds Structure Initial Attack Tactics & Strategies - Tactics to be used in various types of buildings and correct strategies applied. Meets NFPA 1001 Water Supply Standards 5.3.15and 6.5.4 SEPTEMBERSeptember 9th-16th
Socorro - Special Training Opportunity Wednesday, September 12th Meeting/Training Pre-Plans Review. ICS, NIMS, NFIRS & DMIS - Use of National Incident Management System, National Fire Incident Reporting System, and Disaster Management Interoperability Services. Dinner host Wednesday, September 26th Training @Training Grounds Below Grade Rope Rescue with Ladder Truck. High Angle Rescue techniques in tower, according to NFPA 1983 and 1670, along with Ropes and Knots Standard OCTOBEROctober 7th-13th
Fire Prevention Week Special Training Opportunities (all week) School Fire Safety Demonstrations, Fire Prevention and Public Education TBA. Meets NFPA 1001 Standard 5.1 Wednesday, October 10th Meeting/Training Salvage and Overhaul and Fire Cause Determination, learning objectives meets NFPA 1001 Standards 5.3.10 thru 5.3.14 and Standard 6.3.4. Dinner host Wednesday, October 24th Training Fire Department Control and Command. Assignment responsibilities will be addressed at this time, along with any suggestions for improvements. Meets NFPA Standards, and NOVEMBERWednesday, November 9th
Meeting/Training Nozzles, Fire Streams and Foam applications, including ventilation properties, learning objectives meets NFPA 1001 Standard 5.3.10.and 5.3.11 and 5.3.12. Dinner host Wednesday, November 23rd Training @ Training Grounds Winter Rescue procedures, equipment orientation and safety. Learning objectives meet NFPA 1001 Standards 5.3.9 and 6.4.1 and 6.4.2. DECEMBERWednesday, December 14th
Meeting/Training Pre-Plan review. Firefighter Safety, Accountability procedures, Other trainings TBA Dinner Host FEMA Homeland Security NIMS Training NWCG Training |